About us

Allure Security was founded to protect consumer information from cybercriminals. Our patented approach protects an organizations brand and provides security for their customers

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Dr. Salvatore Stolfo


Salvatore J. Stolfo is the Founder and CTO of Allure Security, a spin out of his lab at Columbia University where he has been a Professor of Computer Science since 1979. He is known for his research in machine learning applied to computer security, intrusion detection systems, anomaly detection algorithms and systems, fraud detection, and parallel computing for large data centric applications. Dr. Stolfo has been granted over 91 patents and published more than 230 papers and books in the areas of parallel computing, AI systems, data mining, computer security and intrusion detection systems. His research has been supported by numerous government agencies, including DARPA, NSF, ONR, NSA, IARPA, AFOSR, ARO, NIST, and DHS. He is also an IEEE Fellow and a member of the National Academies ISTEG Group.